Thursday, May 20, 2010

Philosophy & Mantra

Before I start writing out my philosophy I would like to point out that most of the things I will be discussing have never really left my mind, I've always wanted to share my thoughts but for some reason was scared to. I've had a lot of moments where that's happened and I feel as it's time to finally let everything out, and this is a good way to start.

My Philosophy

I believe that the manner in which you are brought up by your parents is a starting point to a persons own abstract thought of how to present themselves in society. When you are young you're parents mold you into who you are, but they don't complete the mold, they only create about 30% to 50%. (not real statistics). It's your job to finish you're own mold, because if you don't then what kind of person will you be? Certainly not the person you want to be, but the person that society wants you to be. You live by what you're parents taught you but soon enough you branch out and gain new experiences which lead you to think differently about everything.

I try to be kind hearted to everyone I meet in life, everyone deserves compassion. I hear a lot of people say this but I don't see all of them take the very simple action. I believe in trying to have as many friends/know as many people as you can, not for the desire to be popular but for the gratitude to be able to say that you have met numerous amounts of people in your life. And of course when it comes to the friends who are most dear to me in my life, I would do anything for them. Their have been countless times were a friend of mine has taught me something new, helped me to overcome a mental breakdown or have just been there, friends to the end.

One thing that I appreciate in life that i've never really heard anyone talk about are simple emotions. A smile or an emotion of happiness is the greatest gift that you can ever witness. It displays pure joy. I would hope that my cheery almost upbeat attitude can carry over to someone else and hopefully bring the same attitude to that person. I always try to bring smiles to peoples faces, if anyone I know were to be upset I will always be there to attempt to cheer them up, and a smile is all I need to know that I've done something to help achieve that goal.

I'm not a very religious person, and what I'm going to type here might stir some opinions from people but I want them to keep in mind that this is only my opinion and I don't dislike religion, I just don't fully understand it. I wasn't really brought up under any specific religion. One side of my family is Lutheran and one side of my family is Jewish. My brother and I were raised learning about both religions and were able to see how each culture is different and yet similar; however, I still don't understand how religion can cause so much happiness and at the same time so much grief. A thought that I have been playing with my mind which has to do with religion is that 'Time & Opportunity is greater than Faith'. You as an individual and free person and allowed to believe in whatever you want, but all that a belief is, is a mystery itself. Of course, it is very late and I cannot fully remember the entire argument I had for this though, so I will leave it at that for now.

There is still much more in my head waiting to get out and to be explained, but sometimes the thoughts escape me and thinking about them will just make it worse. So for now I leave my philosophy at that, and will come back to it when I have more to add


I try to always stay conscious and aware of my surroundings, I look out for people behind me when I'm opening a door and I make sure I always look around if I can't hear my surroundings due to headphones. It's just something i'm always doing, almost like a habit. I people watch all the time, not to be creepy but just to see how people react to certain situations they are placed in. You can learn a lot by just watching and observing other people.


  1. Love the mantra-
    Regarding your thoughts on what 'makes up' a person, yes I like your statistic. Are you thinking any of could be predestined, genetic or otherwise? Think of the transvestites or transexuals-rejected on all fronts even by gay men as freaks- did they chose their life? Did you chose your or mine? I'm inclined to think we come into the world with certain DNA which predisposes us to our life and behaviors. Of course this may just an excuse of mine to not own up to shit, or it could be a way to forgive myself in general.

  2. When I was writing it I was mostly thinking about the way I was raised and the ways my close child hood friends were raised.

    I feel like no considering everything you just mentioned has left me with a lot to fill in still; however, I feel that I still explained my philosophy thoroughly.

    And like I said there is much more to be said, It just slips my mind sometimes.
